The book provides a scathing analysis and harsh criticism of America’s most patriotic citizens, who are ironically the least likely to uphold its fundamental values.

“White Rural Rage” is a significant read for anyone seeking to comprehend the political landscape in the volatile era of Trump, as recommended by David Corn, a New York Times bestselling author of “American Psychosis.”

White rural voters, despite being the most influential demographic in American elections, are plagued by inadequate healthcare, crumbling infrastructure, and significant job losses in manufacturing and farming. These rural voters feel betrayed by their country, and to some extent, they are justified. Authors Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman delve into the reasons why rural Whites have not benefited from their considerable political influence and why they are the most likely group to disregard democratic norms and traditions. Their anger, continually fueled by Republican politicians and conservative media, now poses a significant threat to the United States.

Schaller and Waldman illustrate how the U.S. democracy is increasingly vulnerable to rural Whites who, despite having valid complaints, tend to harbor racist and xenophobic views, believe in conspiracy theories, endorse violence as a legitimate political strategy, and display anti-democratic tendencies. The authors argue that the attitude of rural White Americans can be best described as “I love my country, but not our country.” This contradiction, termed the patriot paradox of rural America, is that the citizens who are most proud of their patriotism are also the least likely to uphold fundamental American values. By inciting rural Whites’ anger instead of addressing their real issues, conservative politicians and commentators perpetuate a cycle of resentment that is eroding American democracy.

Schaller and Waldman critically examine both the systems that allow rural Whites to exert undue influence over American politics and the possibilities for establishing a diverse, inclusive democracy that delivers policy solutions beneficial to rural communities. They conclude with a vision for a political future that promises a better life for rural populations and the rest of America.

By Jessica

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